Creating a Natural Wild Pollinator Garden (or How I became a Weed Queen with a Wild Garden)

Create a natural pollinator garden for the bees & birds; an easy low-stress gardening method of cultivating and creating a new garden that helps wild pollinators like birds and bees, provides them with habitat and pollen and nest areas. Bean & Bantam blog post about how I created my own pollinator garden.

weeds and wildflowers are beneficial to pollinators and planting a pollinator garden can assist wild pollinators

The bee yard has become a wild garden, a place where I experiment with growing, a place where chocolate mint and roses and yew battle with weeds, and where I harvest unwanted weeds for the chickens, but leave the pleasing ones to grow on as a pollinator garden for beneficial insects and wild pollinators.

It all began some years ago… we cleared a spot on the edge of the woods of brambles and trees for a bee yard, a level area of about twenty by forty feet.  At the time it was cleared, the earth was scraped clean of forest duff by the tractor (not my idea) and compacted by the wheels of that same tractor as it was scraped and rolled over and leveled with the tractor bucket.  I put down some hay to keep the weeds down, free from down the road.  This hay had been put in the barn so long ago that they twine around the bales had come apart, or had never been baled. Eventually, the hay made the ground beneath softer and easier to work, after a season or so of roots and earthworms working. This hay, loaded with seeds from a long ago field, would also be the source of many of the plants I ended up cultivating in this wild pollinator garden.

White roses at the front of the bee yard (now a Wild Garden)
White roses at the front of the bee yard (now a Wild Garden of weeds, where I experiment with creating a garden from volunteer plants, edited to remove those that I don’t like)

Despite the initially tough condition of the cleared area, I planted some white roses in a line at the front to form a blooming hedge where the lawn met this space, and edged the other three sides with yew, an evergreen that grows slowly, but forms a good hedge once established.  I wanted defined edges to this garden, and the roses and the yew formed a defining edge, a border that pleased me and created the bones of the garden. In the middle of this garden, I set the beehives.

I battled compacted ground and tree roots.  In the old hay used as a mulch, I planted chocolate mint, and some pineapple mint in the hopes it would spread and to repel ants from the bee hives. I threw in some thyme, and some chives.  A red climbing rose towards the back, to contrast eventually with the yew and the shadows of the beech and oak woods at the rear.

The bees buzzed happily all spring, summer, and fall, and I heard them very much alive in the winter, but they were silent the following spring.  The roses, the yew, the mint and the thyme and chives came back this spring, and the mint is spreading nicely.  I know it can take over and spread further than it might be wanted, but it has plenty of room to roam here, far from any other gardens.

As I went through the bee yard in the spring, I treated it as a prime source of weeds to compost in the chicken pen, and to supplement the chickens’ feed.  As I removed weeds, I noticed some that were actually very pleasing, and the contrast of some leaves and colors and textures was interesting.  I began to keep some with nice shapes or flowers, in the large areas not yet planted.

Without even realizing it, I was creating a pollinator garden, a place where insects could find a place to nest and a place to gather pollen, something that grows ever scarcer as people compulsively tidy the edges of gardens and fields and those wild places where pollinators have been surviving on the edges. I began to think a garden could evolve in the bee yard from happen-chance.  I noticed some volunteer white yarrow, motherwort, yellow rudbeckia, white campion, chickweed‘s small white starry flowers, purple flowering creeping charlie, veronica, sulphur cinquefoilyellow sorrel, a white flowering something I haven’t identified yet, and some very pleasing clumping grasses.  The combination of some textures and colors and shapes was, in spots, quite pleasing.  In researching the names, I find most are medicinal or have a history of having been used as remedies for one thing or another.  Interesting.

Yellow sorrel and I think a grass known as carex scoparia (clump forming) gone to seed
Yellow sorrel and I think a grass known as carex scoparia (pointed broom sedge) gone to seed, identification tip thanks to A Really Small Farm
Chickweed and variegated mint

I yanked any weeds that weren’t fitting in, or pleasing (smartweed and dock and plantain, to the chickens!! raspberry canes, to the woods on the other side of the hedge! volunteer birch and beech seedlings, to the chickens! dockweed, to the chickens!) and let the garden fill in, all those remaining weeds developing, but easily subject to revision with a yank here or there.

I managed to select out a pleasing garden from what came up, and from what continues to come up, those seeds from ancient hay, or brought in by birds and the wind, or uncovered from scraping off the forest duff a few years ago.  I select, and then wait, and watch, and anticipate shapes and forms and yank or pull certain plants when things don’t turn out.  And anything yanked gets hauled to the chickens, or to the compost bin in the chicken pen (to the chickens! to the chickens! all these riches to the chickens!).




It’s really very satisfying gardening, cultivating a large garden of mainly weeds.  Always evolving, and fairly low expectations, easily fit into spare time. If ever there was a low-stress, low-pressure activity with a long-term outlook, it would be cultivating a wild pollinator garden of mainly weeds.  It makes me almost embarrassed to have enough space to have a garden devoted to experimenting with weeds.  It seems frivolous, the abundance of space and the effort, but it holds my interest, to create something out of generally unwanted weeds, a garden without the expense of purchased plants, order out of chaos.  Plus, the chickens are big fans of the weeds I do yank out.  This wild and weedy gardening would not be half as fun without those chickens eating what I pull out.  So I play in the wild garden, like a kid, imagining myself queen of the weeds, with enough space and time to experiment, to wait, anticipate, and to create.  Unexpectedly enjoyable, and enough so to keep at it, on top of full time work and family (I may spend my spare time frivolously, but I am a responsible person, really, I am).


I Googled “weed garden” to see if anyone was doing this–oops, not that weed. I found some people are planting pollinator gardens,  and I also had much more luck in searching for “wild garden.” I found a book called “The Wild Garden” written by William Robinson in 1870 and now reissued by Timber Press, about using locally adapted plants to create gardens and it’s next on my reading list, along with a good plant/herb identification guide.  Another resource is “Dream Plants for the Natural Garden” by Henk Gerrittsen and Piet Oudolf, a book I received as a gift, filled with tough plants that can hold their own in a natural setting, with other plant competitors. If I decide to add in more plants, I’d like to add in some woodland anemone, and also some borage.  I imagine it sometimes as a sort of  battle royale of tough plants that can compete with one another and form a pleasing wild garden.

Although the bee yard is quiet; no bees this year, we are on a list to get some hardier bees next spring from Kirk Webster of Middlebury, Vermont.

And finally, a weeding tip:  it is far easier to yank a weed out by the roots when the soil is fairly moist, as the roots come free more easily.

flowering mint and black eyed susan and another flowering weed in the wild pollinator garden, with a view of the chicken coop in the background
flowering mint and black eyed susan and another flowering weed in the wild pollinator garden, with a view of the chicken coop in the background
possibly young raspberries, generally yanked
Sulphur cinquefoil, flowers yellow
L to R: mint, motherwort, unidentified white flowering weed, rudbeckia, unidentified weed, and creeping charlie in foreground
Some clump forming grass in my weed garden…
The Bee Yard has become a weed garden, a wild garden of selected weeds.
The bee yard is quiet now
a pollinator garden is useful to beneficial insects and a pleasure to maintain, low-pressure gardening at its best
motherwort in the pollinator garden
creeping charlie as a ground cover in the pollinator garden
I have always called this ajuga, but it may be creeping charlie, a slightly different plant.
chickweed and variegated mint in the pollinator garden
Chickweed and variegated mint, possibly pineapple mint
Editor note: This post has been updated to include new photos, and identification of a few plants I wasn’t familiar with, thanks in part to help from which should be your next stop (after this post) .  All errors in identification are my own!


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Create a natural pollinator garden for the bees & birds; an easy low-stress gardening method of cultivating and creating a new garden that helps wild pollinators like birds and bees, provides them with habitat and pollen and nest areas. Bean & Bantam blog post about how I created my own pollinator garden.

13 thoughts on “Creating a Natural Wild Pollinator Garden (or How I became a Weed Queen with a Wild Garden)

  1. Margit Van Schaick

    I’m glad you have space to experiment with gardening. Hope you get your new bees, soon. Like the chickens, they, too, would enjoy your “wild garden”!


  2. What a beautiful experiment! Many of my own plants are ones that were dropped by birds or wind. May I suggest, even though your hive didn’t make it over winter, you could do some reading about native bees or bumblebees. Your county ag extension might be able to suggest a good type of nesting box or even if you have some downed wood, just try drilling holes in a variety of sizes and see who moves in.


  3. Margit Van Schaick

    P.S. I’m reminded of some of your earlier blog entries, about connections to other times, it’s interesting that by developing your “wild garden”, you are serendipitously making it possible for seeds from way long ago, from who knows where, to thrive in your time. The fact that so many can be used for medicinal properties makes me wonder about the earliest source of the plants that you’re weaving in your living tapestry—–


  4. A Really Small Farm

    Good to see that someone else lets the “weeds” have a place. I even let plantain and dock have a spot of their own. Many weeds are good nectar plants as you point out but they are also essential larval host plants for many species of butterflies and moths. I’ve got a spot that I let go to the pigweeds every year. Various butterflies and moths use them as host plants and later birds eat the seeds. The only weed I do not let live is white campion as it quickly takes over garden rows. Still, I can’t get all of it so it still grows here and there. I noticed some sphinx moths feed on it at night.

    The plant you think may be bluegrass is probably a sedge (Carex) as is the other clumping grass-like plant (I think it may be Carex vulpinoidea). The white flowered plant looks like it is in the mustard family. Does it have four petals? The plant you used to think was ajuga looks like creeping charlie but very well fed. The “possibly young raspberries” might be a species of cinquefoil (Potentilla norvegica is one possibility).


    1. Thanks for the help on identification! Love the assistance! The white flowered plant does have four petals to each flower, I’ve updated and included a more detailed close up photo, and then another from a distance. To me, it looks like Northern Bedstraw “Galium boreale” which I found in Homer D. House’s Wildflowers. I’ve not seen anything like it before. The grasses do look like sedges, I’m going to update my post, thank you. I think the blue-grass one may be carex scoparia.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. A Really Small Farm

        You’re welcome. Galium boreale has four petals, too. If it is in fruit now you should see small round black or brown “berries” that will probably be hard. Fruits of mustard family plants are long or rounded pods with many seeds. Also, the leaves are narrow and arranged in whorls of (usually) four. Carex scoparia is just my best guess based on the overall appearance from the photo. Thar section of the genus (section Ovales) is notoriously difficult. It does appear to be an Ovales and probably one that is related to C. scoparia if it is not that species.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. So inspiring and beautiful! Wild gardening with native plants is a great way to help nature and sustain biodiversity. The weed garden will be loved by the bees. You do a great job with this plot and your sweet chickens must be very happy.


  6. I have the honor to tell you I have nominated your blog to the One Lovely Blog Award. I love to read your garden stories and the sweet chick posts. This makes you deserve the recognition. Feel free to visit my blog to read about the award.


  7. Even the lowly weeds thrive at the Queen’s touch. Interesting challenge.
    I may have missed it, but do you provide milkweed for needy Monarch butterflys?
    My daughter in MInneapolis tried a few in her citified yard and they also coaxed two eggs through all the stages to the point of hatch. They launched 2 Monarch’s a few weeks ago, much to the delight of 6 y/o Hannah and 3 yr old Ethan.
    Love your blog.
    Richard D.


  8. I much prefer the term wild garden to weed garden. Allowing a native patch to flourish is good for your bees and the local fauna too. We planted native species at our last home because of outrageous water price hikes. Not only did the plants thrive without care (except of course to pull out the uglies) but we had more wild birds and butterflies in our yard than I had ever seen in my life!

    It was also fun to watch the neighbors stop by to see what was happening there. When we finally moved there were at least 10 others in our neighborhood who had switched to gardening the native wild things.

    Wishing you great success with your next batch of bees! (I lost mine too last summer. 😦 )

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: As Summer Turns to Fall – BEAN & BANTAM

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