June: Gardening and Pumpkins

Sweet William in a raspberry swirl vase June is the month for fireflies here, with their glow and glimmer over and through meadows filled with grazing cows at dusk. June is a month of warmth, of summer blooms, heavily scented peonies and roses, and sudden storms and sunshine. large oak

The world is green again, the woods fully leaved-over, shadowed and mysterious.

IMG_3797 The sun is out and the air and soil now warm, so the garden plants are starting to take hold, to root down and grow up. There is something magical about June, in the way things are growing so quickly.  A small seed, once planted, stretches out into a vine, a tree, a garden plant, and entire fields of seeds transform into a crop. IMG_3681-0 The chickens range, catching worms, feathers in the breeze, the coop windows open wide.Yesterday, I saw one look at some leaves just overhead on a low-hanging branch, and then jump up with an open beak to get a bite.  It reminded me of the way teenage boys will leap up to touch the top of a door frame on the way through, because it’s there, because they can. Just weeks ago, in March and April, these chickens were the size of golf balls and now they are almost full sized, enjoying the outdoors as they range from the wide open sun to the dappled shade underneath apple trees, and young plum and birch trees. The Coop is Open and Summer Is Here

June is when the corn in the farm fields comes up, and then begins to really grow, and the plums and apples set fruit.  The race of things growing UP and OUT is on; the clock towards summer and fall ticks onwards.

Now is the time to plant and grow for a later harvest in summer and fall. We planted our garden:  some potatoes, some corn, tomatoes and peppers, some chard, parsley, a row of sunflowers, cucumbers and squash, bush beans.  All quite ordinary, about 20 feet by 40 feet.

And in a corner of the garden near the wood pile, we planted pumpkins.  Ach, you might think, big deal, pumpkins. Who cares?  Some of these pumpkins are normal size pumpkins, and some actually are a big deal, they are hundred-pounders or more that a child can sit on without any toes touching the ground.


Week by week, we watch them grow, first twin leaves, then vines that stretch out farther than you can imagine would, a canopy of leaves, and the pumpkins themselves, expanding as time goes by and the summer rolls forward.

Pumpkins (and melons too perhaps, but we haven’t dabbled yet in those) seem to store up a whole summer of weather (sun and rain, muggy or cool) and a whole summer of color and carry it all, as they expand, through to fall. When we do cut into them in October, the scent and the color remind me of summer, of the months of June and July, preserved and stored.

IMG_3670 If you want to try your hand at giant pumpkins and some over-sized Jack o’ Lanterns, it’s not too late this year, they can be planted as late as July and still be ready for October.  So go ahead, plan ahead now for some October magic.

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9 thoughts on “June: Gardening and Pumpkins

  1. This is a lovely, poetic post. I love the images that it evokes. I miss fireflies which I think of as from my childhood as they don’t exist here in the southwest. And the “meadows filled with grazing cows at dusk” also brings back childhood memories in the dairy lands of Wisconsin.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the way you tell a story, weaving nature and a poet’s vision into making what is ordinary carry the message of the sublime along with it. One and the same.
    And thank you for your visit and “likes” on my blog. I seem to have formed an attachment to your chickens’ life-story and was happy to share it with my readers. Many thanks for your wonderful blog.


  3. Margit Van Schaick

    Love your post, words and photos evoking the surge of new growth that the season brings (one can FEEL this burgeoning of abundance in the natural world throughout your post!). The barred rock chickens are so big! I’d love to see the Javas, too. Like your commenter Richard D. Notes, we are hooked bythe life story of these chickens. And, you have a happy kiddo, as seen in those glowing photos, especially “glowing” with the carved pumpkins. You tell the life story of the pumpkins, as well.


  4. A Really Small Farm

    I didn’t plant pumpkins so late but I did plant many seeds of summer squash on June 13th with my sweet corn, which was already up and growing, and have been harvesting many tender squash for two weeks now.


  5. Tanya

    I ordered a shed for my coop from the same place that you did! Do you like it? Did you have to build it or was it delivered built? I’m so excited to have such a sturdy safe coop!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tanya, sorry for the delay in replying, I had the shed delivered built back in 2014 and it was heavily discounted on clearance sale so it was relatively inexpensive. My husband built an inner door with hardware cloth and a wood frame, and I covered the windows inside with hardware cloth screwed down with large washers to keep any raccoons or bears out at night. I also got an automatic solar battery operated chicken door from pulletshut, which my husband mounted on the side of the shed by cutting out part of a wall and framing it in. Good luck with your shed and chicken coop!


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